This past fall I made 120 pies for a good friend's wedding (60 individual apple pies, 59 individual pumpkin pies and one normal sized apple pie). Pies are my standby when I get the itch... I'm sitting at my desk and I can't seem to focus... I need to bake. Don't tell me you don't have a vice like that (maybe not an itch quite like that though).
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10/11/14, Congrats Bri & Bren! |
A couple years ago tragedy struck the very same household when Scott's iconic Black Magic van burnt. A vehicle burning might not sound like an incident to some people but for Scott - a paraplegic and VERY active member of the local Kinsmen club and other community organizations - this wasn't just his van, this was his liberty.
On that particular occasion the community came together with a weekend of fundraising where the different community groups hosted different functions (as a member of the Waldhof Wranglers I helped out with a spaghetti dinner), culminating with a dance and a pie auction.
You heard that right, a pie auction.
Now not to toot my own horn here, but my Pecan and Chocolate Pecan Pies fetched in the range of $300 each. Which is why I'm baking this weekend. I'm not a rich person (actually the opposite, I'm still working on paying off my student loans and am going to be talking to my financial advisor on Friday about getting myself a bit more debt... more on that later, hopefully) so I can't really donate money... but I can bake. When I was told there would be an auction (a regular one this time, not pie exclusive) I bought butter. I'll be donating a "lot" of pies (probably 2 - 4... I haven't actually started baking yet) and hopefully since winter is getting chilly and long around here... stomachs will be grumbling.
On that particular occasion the turn out was phenomenal and the pocketbooks open and just shy of $30,000 was raised. So stay tuned, I'll (hopefully remember to) take pictures of the pies and let you know how they do at the auction. If we're really lucky, the locals are feeling hungry as well as generous!
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