January 30, 2013

Wish Wednesday ~ #5

Happy Hump Day!!

If you're like me, you're super excited you've made it over the hump this wee... only 2 more days and it's time for another baking crazy weekend!!!

Before I show off some pretties that I found this week, I have a confession to make.

I baked tonight.

Those lucky coworkers!!
I try to limit myself to only baking on the weekend (between the commute to work, exercising and trying to catch at least 7 hours at night, it's all I can do to keep from wearing myself out!), but I just couldn't resist!! 

This week my mum bought me some pans! Doughnut and mini doughnut pans! I accidentally (or maybe less than accidentally) mentioned to my coworkers that I was excited to try out the pans... I heard nothing but doughnut-related-commentary all day!

Now I don't think they expected me to bake them... but I think they'll be pleasantly surprised tomorrow!!

Tune back in this weekend for the recipes I tried out! For now... #wishwednesday!!!
An airplane for a house? Can you get any cooler??
I LOVE all things pallet!!! Especially since we get at LEAST one every day at work!!
I LOVE camping!! I NEED to make one of these before the summer!!
A reading palace!!! If I had this as a kid I would have died happy!

Although this reading nook (and the others at the link) are pretty good too!!
Can you tell that I am dying to live somewhere other than a tiny bedroom?

See you next time!!
Cheers, xoxox!

links: Airplane House - AviationHumor, Pallet Coffee Table - Esprit Cabane, Camp Kitchen - The Fancy, Book Igloo - freshome, Reading Nook - Penelope's Oasis.

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